I thought it would be helpful to try to get a bunch of Couch to 5K podcasts all listed in the same thread. I'm terrible at searching through stuff in the forums... The only one I know where to find is Robert Ullrey's: http://www.ullreys.com/robert/Podcasts/page4/page4.html Please add other podcasts that you know of and…
Hi everyone! I am an old MFPer who is returning to put life back together. Again. I joined MFP in the spring of 2009. My husband was deployed and I was determined to lose weight. I lost 25-30 lbs, started running, felt great and looked good too. After my husband returned, I injured my ankle (no running) and then we moved…
I've been fighting a head cold/ear infection all week, and I just am completely unmotivated to eat well. I would love some simple, soothing ideas. Thanks.
I've finally tracked down these tofu noodles (at Whole Foods) but I have a few questions: I dried them like crazy, but they still taste watery. Also, are they supposed to be so chewy, and is there a way to prevent that? I made Hungry Girl's cold sesame noodles and they are just too chewy for me. I'm going to try the…