Thigh help?
So, I know this thread happens all the time, and the intro is long, but I'm honestly looking for input. And I know this is vanity, but it is getting really hard to find jeans that fit!!! I'm 5'5", female, with shorter legs (long torso), weigh in the low 130's lbs, size 4 (36-26.5-33, with 23in thighs at the widest point).…
Working out after LASIK
Hi, I'm getting LASIK on the 21st, and I need some suggestions of low-intensity exercises. I know I can walk (I'm hoping to get permission to ride my horse after the first week), but it says no exercise the 1st week, no strenuous exercise the first month. Typically I do hot yoga 1x-2x per week (probably not safe for a…
Synovitis in hips, prevention?
Hi All, I'm 26 yr old female, normal bodyweight (I think my BMI is 24?), trying to lose 10lbs/tone up. When I was 20 I got crushed by a horse and lost a lot of use of the left side of my body, gained close to 30 lbs. Three years of PT, and arthroscopic hip surgery when I was 24, and I can now think of myself as a…
How long to wait to test T4, T3, etc?
Hello, The last few months I've been having extreme energy, cold, etc, issues. I didn't think too much of it, as I'm 8 months into a demanding job, and heck, it's been cold this winter. Then I started getting cystic acne (I'm not quite 26), and I never even had normal acne as a teenager. Anyway, I decided something must be…