Synovitis in hips, prevention?

scg17 Posts: 88 Member
Hi All,

I'm 26 yr old female, normal bodyweight (I think my BMI is 24?), trying to lose 10lbs/tone up. When I was 20 I got crushed by a horse and lost a lot of use of the left side of my body, gained close to 30 lbs. Three years of PT, and arthroscopic hip surgery when I was 24, and I can now think of myself as a reasonably athletic person with some limitations (eventually I'll need more surgery, but I'm fully mobile again, and have lost 20 of the lbs put on while on bedrest/not able to walk well).

In the last year I started having these flare ups of extreme hip pain/tightness, limping, in BOTH hips, not just my boo boo hip. Long story short, it's swelling of the synovial membrane, typically lasts a few days, results in almost flu-like symptoms, then goes away for a while. I can definitely tell it's tied in with my immune system to some degree, but I'm not seeing a major trigger yet. Happens maybe every couple months?

Anywhoo, does anyone have a similar problem and have good recommendations to prevent? I tend to life weights 2x per week, yoga 1 to 2x per week, ride my horse 3-4x per week. I also hike, but this doesn't seem to be linked to the difficulty of any workout. Or, if you don't have a prevention suggestion, anyone know what _causes_ your flare ups?