There are post after post looking for motivational friends. Let's find the fun ones. Add peeps as you see fit. Let the games begin!
What are you go to snacks to curb your mid-morning & afternoon hunger pains? Mine is usually an apple and peanut butter.
Yes I could look on the nets to find recipes for side dishes and what not, but I want see what you all have for a suggestion. Basically I need to add more vegetables in my diet. I am looking for something pretty simple yet delicious. How about lending me a few suggestions.
Who else is running in 5K Foam Fest on June 30th?
Yes, I am not a woman posting this, but since I have participated in a few 'V Threads" I think I can ask for a shamelss thrread of my own. We all go to the gym, workout at home, jog outside, etc. This your time to show off, specifically looking to see the 'Non'Mirror' muscles. Let's get arrogant...lets see those sculped…
Thought I would send up flare to see how many Chive fans are out there on MFP. Even better to find some Chivettes :bigsmile: Keep Calm Chive On!
Hey everyone. I have been lifting for the past year and have seen great progress, but not quite the reults I am looking for. I have never been really big. Always fell into the skinny guy category and in my late 20's skinny fat. Right now I feel pretty good about were my fitness level is, but I am hoping to gain some…