Steve, Maidstone, 43
So what are you doing to maintain or improve your fitness and do you have any goals?
Ok, so many of us have been on the receiving end of sarcastic comments, put downs or disgusted looks as we go about our lives and try to get healthier and lose weight. So MFP'ers unite, post your insults here, those lines that will put down the put downers, shut up the sarcastic or whither the starers! Here is mine to get…
I don't know enough to comment but the following is an article published today by the BBC and subject to a programme to be aired later: 19 July 2012 Last updated at 02:23 Share this pageEmail Print Share this page 1.9KShareFacebookTwitter.'Lack of evidence' that popular sports products work Puma shoes carried Jamaica's… For Douglas Adams fans - answer the following question: Do you know where your towel is?
If you have done something bad, something you shouldn't, give us your confession and let other MFP members decide whether you are forgiven or must burn forever in a fatty hell! To get the ball rolling I was on a train one evening. Over crowded, hot, at the end of a long day when some guy, not particularly fat but broad…