As I lost weight... People were very forthcoming with compliments... So much so, after awhile I found it was a little bit embarrassing... As I gained the weight back, no one said anything... The compliments stopped as people realized I was putting the weight back on. I don't blame them of course. "Oh hi! Aren't you packing…
These are hilarious! Blow Job: An Extreme Wind Photoseries (NO, it's not porn... ) Want a laugh, check it out
I've had a rought week... Someone cheer me up! :)
In March of 2011, just months away from Bariatric surgery, a type 2 diabetic with high blood pressure and low (good) cholesterol, I decided to make a change. From a former self professed couch potato who couldn't run more than 20 seconds at a time, I've just signed up to run my first 5k next month... (THANK YOU COUCH TO…
Hi folks! *waves* I'm about to start phase 2 of plan... Getting down to 220lbs. Last April I decided to change my life and started running and watching what I ate. From April first of last year I'm down about 80lbs. I was using Loseit religiously and was just pointed to MFP as the scanner works for Canadian barcodes! Wooo!…