So far I have quit soda and drink water instead (over a week without caffeine withdrawal symptoms!!), limited my intake to 1200 calories or so and watch what I eat, and I try to fit more activity to my day. Now I can fit in my shorts again and all of my clothes look so much better! I am excited and it feels like I have…
I found a health food store near me that offers whole wheat pastry flour in bulk at $1.59/lbs. It is an amazing deal and I was hoping to use it when I baked my family's tortillas and bread loaves. Any idea if this type of flour is usable for this purpose?
What are everyone's favorite healthy recipes or dinner ideas? For instance tonight we did a homemade veggie soup with crusty bread and mango's. What are you're ideas?
As a single mom of three children (one of whom has uncontrolled epilepsy), I would appreciate any exercise ideas. I have tried videos but children climb on me, and I don't have a support system or finances for a gym either. Any ideas?