Is there any truth to the idea that you crave what your body needs (leaving aside withdrawal from sugar, caffeine etc.)? Since I've been watching my calories I haven't cut back on protein-rich food but I find myself craving protein: eggs especially, also milk, red meat. At the same time I've stepped up a lot in terms of…
Hi folks. Several years ago I had chronic fatigue syndrome. The severe symptoms lasted about 2 years, and moderate symptoms for another couple of years after that. Now I'm pretty much completely recovered (hooray), with one hangover - I often get the CFS-like muscle pain after doing strength exercises, which I really want…
A plug for mini-trampoline jogging: I work long hours, usually getting home at or after sunset, and am the antithesis of a morning person so do most of my exercising in the evenings at home. I have a LOT of weight to lose. I started doing the occasional very short jog (no more than 10 min) which I kind of liked, but the…
I'm using the imagery of house bricks as motivation--an average brick weighs 2.75kg, and I'm aiming to lose weight at around half a kilo a week, which seems to be the rate medicos generally agree is sustainable and has fewer side-effects than more rapid loss. So every 5-6 weeks I will have lost another "brick", which is a…