Craving protein

lvbor Posts: 50 Member
Is there any truth to the idea that you crave what your body needs (leaving aside withdrawal from sugar, caffeine etc.)?

Since I've been watching my calories I haven't cut back on protein-rich food but I find myself craving protein: eggs especially, also milk, red meat. At the same time I've stepped up a lot in terms of exercise, both cardio and strength, so arguably I need more protein that I used to.

All else being equal I'm tending to choose food containing protein over one that doesn't when I need a snack and have net calories left in the day (lots of egg poaching happening in my house!). But I still find it hard to hit MFP's protein goal each day.

My primary goal is weight loss but I want to build muscle strength on the way. So I guess I'm wondering if I should follow the my body's hints and try to rejig things to get more protein in for the same net calories, or not worry about macros at this stage.


  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    I binge if I hold off a craving too long so my advice is just eat it if you feel like you need it. Not saying go all 3k cals over or anything though!
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    MFP protein goal is too low. About 35% of the day should be protein.
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    Try reducing your carbs and eating more protein, you will have tons more energy and the craving will stop.
  • elsyoommen
    elsyoommen Posts: 155 Member
    if you eat fish I find that is a good way to get protein without using up too many calories. I also have a protein shake most days to make sure I reach my protein goal.
  • lvbor
    lvbor Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for the feedback folks. I'll try to reduce carbs and increase protein a bit and see how it goes.

    I have a week of steak or fish and salad dinners planned. Happily for me, it's perfect weather for that sort of food and I make a delicious salad :)
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    I believe our bodies do a wonderful job of telling us what we need, if we listen to it. Take heed to your instincts and follow what works best for you. It's okay to trust yourself.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if its red meat you're craving, it could be iron that you are deficient it?
  • lvbor
    lvbor Posts: 50 Member
    No iron deficiency - I donate plasma regularly so I get a fortnightly haemoglobin test. It's always fine.

    Had a great big slap of (lean) steak for dinner tonight and hit my protein target for the first time in I don't know how long. Shall be interesting to see if I can sustain a higher protein & lower carb mix for more than a few days at a stretch. I'm looking on it as an interesting experiment :)