I have a horse show Sept. 20. I am hoping to lose another 5 pounds by then. I also work 50 hours per week at a desk job. Does anyone have an additional ideas to help me lose? I already have a fit bit flex and I try to go to the gym at least 5 days a week plus my riding. Any sound nutritional advice would be most…
I have a former racehorse (TB) who does not want to pick up a right hand lead. Any ideas? We have had him checked and he is sound, we have been working him in right hand circles to help him get more balanced, but it is still a struggle to get him to pick up that lead. All ideas are welcome.
Took my old retired race horse to the vet last night with symptoms of colic and he had a white foam coming from his mouth and he kept gulping. First think you think is colic, right? Well, he has acid reflux. Horse prilosec is $200 for 40 days. Have any of you experienced this? Vet says it is not real common and the only…
Hello to anyone who is having the same struggle as I am. I had not realized how many people were in the same boat until I came to this part of MFP. I have been battling the bulge since I was in my early 30s and am currently losing. I am 50 years old with a sit on my behind all day job. We own 8 horses and I do try to ride…