I figured I would post what I love about my weightloss. If we post what we love, maybe it could motivate us all. I love that when I wear a tight shirt, I don't have to adjust it to cover the roll above my pants line, because it is gone! I love that I don't have to pull my shorts down from my inner thighs, because my "fat…
For the once overweight women that started strength training and it made a difference, how did you learn how to strength train? Did you read any books? I've cut calories, eating healthier, cardio 30 min at least 5 days and strength train 2. Trying to decrease fat and increase muscle. I lift until I can't lift anymore and…
Going on vacation to Colorado. Not sure what part yet. Late Summer to early fall. I don't know anything about Colorado except it looks beautiful and this new active life of mine wants to hike :happy: I have children and a husband. I need advice on what are the must sees, must do and must stay heres. Thanks everyone!!!