I never really noticed a difference until i took a picture! I get very happy when I see the pictures:) I don't get on the scale anymore because I never saw a difference.
I know it takes your body a while to show that you're losing weight, but I honestly feel like my body doesn't want to lose weight! it's just holding on to the fat blob I have. I am 5'3 and half and weigh about 133. I just need some results!
Today after I came home from running I changed to into my regular clothes and I suddenly felt chills all over my body and all I wanted to do was stay under the blankets. does this happen to anyone else? or is it just me?
I'm planning on not weighing myself or taking my measurements! So at the end of the month I'll see a huge progress! I hope to stick to it because I usually weigh myself everyday! Would anyone like to join?! :)
I usually try to eat oatmeal or special k but I get really tired of that! is there anything else out there? And since I'm mexican my mother makes a whole lot of food, and I resist so I resort to eating sandwiches for dinner which gets disgusting after a while. please help!
all I want to do when I get home is eat and eat and eat! idk why! it's still the chubby girl in me! I need to lose 20 pounds :( At least I resisted a cupcake today!