Macro Percentages
What should my ratio be?? I am NOT doing keto!
Add Fiber Pleeeeez!
I am probably not posting in the right place, but I think the site should show how much dietary fiber is in foods as well! I am trying to keep track of my fiber intake, shooting for 50 to 60 grams a day! Thanks! :glasses:
Home Fried Potatoes
I just ate about 2 cups of leftover home fried or cottage fried potatoes and I cannot believe that they ring up at 600 calories...Are you sure that is correct??
Anyone from Grundy or Marshall Counties??
I live in Conrad, looking for nearby members! Who is out there?!
Reading Wheat Belly cont.
I am well into reading "Wheat Belly" and ohhhhhh man......anybody who has NOT read this book better read it....This is NOT a fad! This could be the key to a LOT of people's problems. I will keep all of you posted on my wheat-free journey for the next 2 months!
Reading Wheat Belly!
I am reading the book Wheat Belly by William Davis. I am going to use myfitnesspal to track my calories and activity, but I am going to do a little experiment...I am going to eliminate WHEAT from my diet for ONE MONTH to see what happens. I can still have rice and some other gluten-free grains, and lots of veggies and some…
Not bragging but excited!
Well, folks, I am really loving this website a lot! Since July 1st, I have lost 8.5 pounds! I am exercising every day and loving it!
Hi! I live in Conrad, Iowa! I am looking for other MyFitnessPal friends to keep in touch with! If you are from the greatest State in the Union, let me know!