Register for Spooktacular!
Reminder! You are all expected to participate in the Spooktacular 5K right here at the Indian Valley Family YMCA. The registration fee is $15...please contact me individually if this will present a financial hurdle. Otherwise, follow this link:…
missing my peeps!
Hi folks! Sorry I've been absent this past week. I hope everyone enjoyed the trip to Big Y. I'd love to get your feed back. Hopefully, I'll get to see more of you all this coming week. Remember to make sensible, responsible choices this weekend in regard to both food and exercise. You guys rock!
Weekend Alert!
So here we are at our first weekend! What's your plan? Don't have one? Sit down soon and figure it out. There's no need to stay away from social situations, just be prepared and take responsibility for what you do. Up the intensity or duration of exercise and enjoy the moment! Keep your food journal up to date and we will…
Homework for Wednesday
Please take a minute to friend Joey and myself (Heather). I think it will be easier for each of you to request both of us, than for both of us to request all 18 of you! Yah, I'm lazy like that!
Welcome to Day One!
I hope everyone left our first meetings last night energized and excited about the journey we are taking together. For some of you, this may be the very first time you have kept track of the food you eat for a whole day. It is going to feel tedious at times, but this is a new habit that you must become familiar with and…
Eat before exercise
Today I almost passed out...no joke! I came to teach spin at 5:30AM, then went swimming while my clothes were in the wash. The big problem was getting into the hot tub...I had to hold onto the wall to get to the locker room and my towel...headed for my office and downed 8oz of keifer. Lesson: you must eat something before…