This is so silly. I realize that not eating something I shouldn't should be as easy as "no thank you". But....apparently it's not. For those of you that have struggled with saying no to the cookies at work, the candy dish, the french fries on your long commute home, the "I deserve this because I had a bad day" ice…
I am 4'11. It doesn't matter what any one says about calorie intake; if I eat over 1000 calories a day, then I am consistently gaining weight. I'm curious to hear from other petites in this situation: What do you eat to keep yourself satisfied/satiated? How do you battle the afternoon slump? How many meals do you eat a…
Has anyone out there done the Ripped in 30 meal plan? I'm thinking of combining it with my 30DS workouts. I can already tell how difficult it will be as there is only one snack allowed on the plan, and the meals aren't that big. Although....I am only 4'll, so I really shouldn't be eating a ton. :) Thoughts?
Looking for some fellow 20-30 something females to help keep me motivated, and/or make me feel guilty when I'm really just being lazy. :) Any takers? Just send me a friend request.