Hi I joined a bit ago, but was looking for some local friends, I have tons of support here and its great and more than I could have ever hoped for. But looking for maybe some local friends that I can connect with. I have been striving to be healthy for a bit now, but being on this site has really helped me be more…
I just wanted to know if any one has tried this. Here is the site I found it on http://health-heaven.tumblr.com/post/17089615944/what-do-you-think-of-gms-diet. Its a 7 day cleanse claiming to be healthy and to help you lose 10-17 pounds in a week! I am going to start tomorrow and I hope that I feel okay doing it. The…
I am a 27 year old stay at home mom. I was always a thin girl, until I got into my young adult years. I never had to workout or count calories before, so at 21 I got married and blew up. To make things worse I got pregnant. I had my first child weighing in at 250! That's when I got tired of looking at myself in pictures. I…