ltupola Member


  • I am there with you, want to lose about 45-50 by next year so we can try for baby number 3. Send me a friend request.... Would love to be on the journey with more friends.
  • We can be friends.... I am a stay at home/working mom of 2 as well.
  • We can be friends.... Friends on MFP is key to your success! :)
  • We can be friend.... Support is the key here on MFP! :)
  • You can add me! I am also jumping in with you... Here is to 2013!
  • My name is Isa, from West Jordan. I have 2 little kids, an active, loud, and way to smart for her own good, 4 year old daughter and an active, super hero wanna be, 2 year old son. I have a hardworking, loving husband, who has lost 95 lbs in the last year and a half and they are my world. Working out and eating right isn't…
  • I am also a SAHM, my oldest just turned 4 and my youngest will be 2 next week. I know what your going through.... I also joined mpf for support from other SAHM and others that would help me get to my goal weight. I'll send you a request!
  • You can add me.... This would be phase 2 on losing baby weight! lol
  • Eat what you like!!! I cannot stress that enough!! I have lost weight, gotten pregnant and am on my way to losing it again. But you will not and cannot stick to something you hate! I love steamed veggies and I am a meat lover.... So I ate what I loved, just in moderation. When you eat something that just doesn't satisfy…
    in New here... Comment by ltupola May 2012
  • Who isn't trying! LOL I lost weight after my first also, but like you said, its harder after the second. My second is almost 2 though!! LOL A bit late on the start, but feel free to add me. I have lost about 40 since I had my second baby, but still have about 40 to go.... So I am in for the long journey!
  • Feel free to add me, I am slowly making the journey as well!
  • I just heard about this and was thinking about it.... Suprised me on how many things we eat have carbs! But I love your idea, cause I've seen quite a few different ones.
  • Wow... I'm in West Jordan too.... Graduated from West Jordan High
  • You can add having and giving support!
  • You can add me, when I started a little over a month ago, I was the same way.... I just wanted to be healthy. Being accountable for everything you put in your mouth has helped me so much! I also want to run a 5k soon, and have worked up to about a mile and a half so far... So if I can, anyone can. Good luck in everything…
  • Feel free to add me, I am the same as you... more on body fat then with weight lost. I have been doing 30ds by JM and its great to get you started in weight training.
    in New (ish) Comment by ltupola May 2012
  • Add me... I have been here for alittle over a month and love it.... The support is amazing and its easy to stay consistant on here. Good luck with everything.
    in New Here Comment by ltupola May 2012
  • Feel free to add me, I have been a member for a bit over a month, and I love it! I have been more aware of what I am eating and realizing that I need to do more working out. I am with you on the summer thing. My younger brother is getting married this summer, reunions with people I haven't seen in forever.... So I joined…
  • Feel free to add me! I wish I was that aware of nutrition and exercise when I was in college.
  • I went through the same thing with my first pregnancy. Like SheilahArnett, my daughter is now 4 and my son is almost 2. I have been trying to be better and healthier for them and future pregnancies. I just went through my third miscarriage in the past 5 years, so I am trying hard to become healthier, although that wasn't…
  • Skinny cow has some great stuff! Or you can mix a box of brownie mix with a can of pumpkin puree, cook.... let it cool. Super yummy, not sure of exact stuff, but if you google it, it'll come up with the recipe! Drizzle melted peanut butter on it, and I promise it will not taste like a diet dessert at all! Hope that helps.
  • Sounds super yummy!! Thanks for sharing, always looking for different ways of making healthy food!
  • Everyone thinks that since you stay home you have all day to workout and plan healthy meals, but it just isn't that easy! I have 2 kids and have been a stay at home mom for 4 years now. I hope that you don't give up on the life that we are all hoping to have... a healthy one!! But feel free to add me.... I just joined too,…
  • Feel free to add me! Your story reminds me a lot about my own. One thing to remember is to measure your inches, around your waist, hips, neck, arms and legs. I am back to my prepregnancy weight, but I know I am not nearly as fit as I was when I got pregnant, if that makes sence. Inches will keep you motivated even if the…
  • I am there with you....feel free to add me. I have lost 40 lbs before I joined, but the last 40 I feel like I need that kick in my butt. I am also trying to lose baby weight, but from my first.... my second didn't help! LOL
  • I hear you on this one!! I have always loved exercise, but I know that when I push myself to soon, I suffer! Your body is telling you that something isn't right when your in pain. You can take ib for pain and calf raises to strengthen your legs also take it easy for a few days. And icing, which I know your doing helps…
  • Add me, I am new to this....but love to hear about everyones stories and having and giving support. Totally know what you mean about the man code! LOL
  • Welcome.... You can add me! 20 lbs or 120 lbs to lose, its always better to be doing it with others out there supporting!