Shin splints

about two weeks ago, I decided I was going to jog ten miles per week. The first week went really well, I did about two miles per day for five days. Last week, I did two miles on the track at the gym, no problem when I went a mile down my road, I was having the worst shin splints I had ever had. By the time I got back home I was in tears the pain was so bad. I iced my legs and stretched them with a belt, but I only did two more miles that week and I rode my bicycle for that. I jogged two miles this week so far (on a nature path) it was a little easier, but I was still having pains. Is this something that will get better on it's own or is there something I can do to prevent this pain? I do some stretching before I jog.


  • BigRich822
    BigRich822 Posts: 681
    I have the exact same problem. I found if I do not run on concrete or asphalt my shins do not hurt very seldom. Also you may be trying to run to much at one time and your legs are not used to it. Try to cut back a little until your legs get used to the running.
  • sarahdee2007
    Most days it is pretty impossible to avoid concrete and asphalt because my son doesn't like to nap anymore and I end up pushing him in the stroller. We have a gravely nature trail that might still be okay for a stroller. I will try that to see if its any better
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Have you been to your local running store to be fit for a proper shoe? The right shoes make a big difference.

    Also, soft surfaces if you can swing it. Also, try to maintain 160 to 180 steps per minute. It's a quick turnover that will keep you from landing on your heel, thereby taking away a lot of the pounding stress. The easiest way to calculate is to count steps for 10 seconds and multiply by 6.
  • sarahdee2007
    I AM going to "the city" to get new running shoes this weekend. We live in a small town so we have to make an event of going shopping most of the time! Lol
  • cdmoore76
    Hi. I see you mentioned you were stretching. Are you stretching your calves? (or calfs) I never know how to spell that. Also standing on a tennis ball with as much weight as you can tolerate and massaging the tissue on the bottom of your foot may help ease the splints. A slower increase in your mileage may help too. Hope you find a solution.
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    Maybe start with a lower mileage goal weekly and work your way up to 10. Also correct fitted shoes are a must, good luck with your goal!
  • suzzann666
    suzzann666 Posts: 334 Member
    does your local high school have a softer outdoor track that you could use??
  • ltupola
    ltupola Posts: 40 Member
    I hear you on this one!! I have always loved exercise, but I know that when I push myself to soon, I suffer! Your body is telling you that something isn't right when your in pain. You can take ib for pain and calf raises to strengthen your legs also take it easy for a few days. And icing, which I know your doing helps heaps. I suffer from them a lot, and actually going through it again! Ugh... story of my life, but calf raises always help me! Feel better!
  • sarahdee2007
    Our high school has a very nice track and I use it when I can, but they do not allow wheels (including strollers) so I can't go there that often. We have an indoor track at our community center, but they don't allow you to bring your own stroller and their wheels are wobbly.

    I do stretch but it wouldn't hurt to do more on my calves. I hope that I can get over this. When my legs aren't hurting, I love jogging (which I never EVER did before!) I can tell it makes a big difference compared to just dieting so I NEED to be able to do it! Thanks everyone for your tips!
  • sarahdee2007
    Maybe start with a lower mileage goal weekly and work your way up to 10. Also correct fitted shoes are a must, good luck with your goal!

    This week, I'm just going to push to do what I can do without beating myself up. It is better than no jogging at all!