New (ish)

Hi there,

I'm not really new but I've never really posted in the forums before, so only have 2 friends!

Stats are...

SW 210lbs

SW 2 - 198 - When I joined MFP

GW1 - 125

I'm hoping to go more on Body fat % rather than weight, as I am trying to do a lot of strength training in order to promote my skin tightening up after weightloss.

Would appreciate some support and advice, and am willing to give it too :)


  • ltupola
    ltupola Posts: 40 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am the same as you... more on body fat then with weight lost. I have been doing 30ds by JM and its great to get you started in weight training.
  • Mrs16
    Mrs16 Posts: 86
    Feel free to add me too. I'm 5'8 sw 200 cw 194 gw 150.
