Healthy 7 day cleanse...GM's diet

I just wanted to know if any one has tried this. Here is the site I found it on Its a 7 day cleanse claiming to be healthy and to help you lose 10-17 pounds in a week! I am going to start tomorrow and I hope that I feel okay doing it. The program is eat only fruits for the first day, veggies for the second, fruit and veggies for the third, bananas and milk for the fourth, beef and tomatoes for the fifth, beef and veggies for the sixth and brown rice, fruit juice and veggies on the last day. If you have done it.... How did it work for you and what kind of meals did you make for each day. Just a general idea how to eat the meats, soup and veggies.


  • misscaseycakes
    misscaseycakes Posts: 3 Member
    Mine was similar; the basic idea of a "cleanse." I had to do this back in high school. This was sort of a class pilates exercise we were encouraged to do, mainly his reasoning for a healthy cleanse since he was into nutrition hardcore.

    Anyway, mine wasn't exactly like yours. Ours was simple, for 7-10 days, all you get to eat are raw fruits and vegetables, and at most 10 almonds or any legumes, that have been priorly soaked in water the night before, (can't be salted, etc.), and you can just toast them the next day to make them crunchy again. The first 3 days were extremely rough. Although, I committed simply because I had the pressure of an instructor and the support of my classmates. I ate mostly white peaches (since they're my favorite), carrots, etc.

    Do I think this works? Yes, and no. I lost about 10 pounds. But, if you don't slowly introduce foods properly back into your system, you'll gain it right back, and fast. This in my opinion is similar to speed dieting, which as we've all heard, works temporarily, but you gain weight right back when you start "indulging" again. But, for the idea of this being a "cleanse" in that retrospect, it could be good? I'd say, consult with your physician to be safe since every person is different. I gained all 10 pounds, if not, a little more than 10 pounds as soon as he declared we're off the diet :p

    Good luck to you though! Safest bet is to shoot your doctor a message for their expertise. :) And introduce regular food back properly and slowly; don't be like me and have a big bowl of (insert your favorite food) as soon as if you're off of it. And my next tip is, if you do it, have a support group--the "pressure" to stay on it helps, assuming you're getting good pressure. Hope this helps.