I know someone that was given one. His time was nothing great, and it was his first one. Just wondered as there were other awards for best times. Same thing with "Best Overall". How is that different from having the best time? Thanks!
Went in to a local Subway yesterday (not the one I regularly use BTW) and ordered a sandwich (no cheese or mayo, of course). The guy in front of me got a foot long tuna and asked for extra mayo. The girl put 4 lines across the sandwich and he said "let me get some more", so she put 4 MORE LINES ACROSS! It was so thick with…
Hi, I've recently hit my goal of a healthy weight of 140. I am a 5'8" male who is 40 YOA. I have been consistently watching my diet and strengthh training for approx. a year and a half. My problem is that I still have a little fat to lose, specifically in my love handles and chest. I would continue to diet and do cardio…