I won a t-shirt today by hanging from a bar for 80 seconds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_3u5HXtbAI Next year I will make the full 80 seconds with my chin above the bar! Two years ago I could barely walk around my neighborhood without being in pain and out of breath. This was me before: And this is me now:
I've been overweight pretty much my entire life. I finally tipped the scales at 240 pounds and at 5'-4" my BMI was 40 making me morbidly obese! In January 2011 I decided to stop making excuses for myself and joined WW to help me get back on track. WW was very helpful because it was a real rude awakening considering portion…
Many times when I run my ears start feeling stuffy. I stopped using head phones thinking that was the issue. Its not. My hearing goes back to normal within 30 minutes or so. I wouldn't say it is painful, so it is not going to stop me from running. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if you might…