How to cut down on sugar
I eat WAYYY too much sugar and I don't know how to cut down. Is it really necessary though? I mean, I don't have diabetes and I'm 18. I get lots of exercise and I don't eat cakes and candies. Sometimes I eat cookies and frozen yogurt. But on an average day... I don't and my sugar is still too much. Anyone have any advice?…
Keeping a Diet while feeling depressed.
I really don't feel like working out (except for running) and I keep eating too much and I don't really even feel like moving. It's been a rough week for me and it's been quite hard to stay on track. Does anyone have any ideas of how to stick to it? Ways I can plan better to not overeat on things that are REALLY high in…
Recover from a binge
I just ate nearly an entire chocolate bar and I'm not feeling that great physically and emotionally. How should I eat/exercise tomorrow to recover??