I'm somewhat new to running. Up to recently its always been 3-6 mile runs (no snack needed).. now that I'm training for my first half marathon I'm getting up into the 9, 10, 12 mile runs. I've heard its good to have a snack through these long runs to keep energy up. I'm wondering if beef jerky would be ok? or too salty? As…
I low carbed for a while. I also have a food blog. Therefore alot of low carb dishes i made found their way to the blog. Here is the link if anyone needs low carb and gluten free recipes. http://mrsscalesrecipes.blogspot.com/search/label/low carb
How many of us are still hanging in there? How long of (if any) breaks did you take or rest days did you have? Today will be Day 15 for me.
As I'm sure everyone noticed its pretty painful those first few days and moderately painful the whole week. Makes people want a rest day. I suggest taking ibuprofen or aleve or some sort of pain reliever prior to working out on those days you are really sore. It allows you to do the work out with a normal amount of effort…