Hi. I have IBS. It runs in my family. I think I made things worse because there was a time when I would make myself throw up quite a lot. I've always been a vegetarian but have now become a vegan. I was just wondering on what to eat. I think I was undereating and because I was eating a very restrictive diet (bananas,…
How do I get omega 3 as a vegan? I read that hummus has it in, but frankly I find the taste nauseating, so though I tried to force it down that failed massively. Or are there any supplements people would recommend?
Hello. I'm 4'11". I think I'm around 8 stone. I'd like to lose just a stone. I was recently on medication, and for some reason it caused me to become very emotional and obsess over food in an unhealthy way. I have had some problems with food in the past. So, this is the reason I now have a weighing scale again and have…
Hello. I was wondering if anyone could tell me whether 1200 is right for a short person. I know it is often advised against for others, but then I think the average individual is taller than me. I am only 4'11". I am trying to eat properly and I calculated this amount. I sometimes find it difficult to reach. I don't feel…