I've seen so many Doctor Who mentions out there in the forums that I'm curious as to how many fans we have on here!!! Which reincarnation is your favorite? Post a picture to show your loyalty/devotion to the Doctor!!! I'll go first. This is me in costume for the 50th anniversary special in the theaters (as my fav Doctor;…
Have you guys heard of this? Supposedly doing 20 seconds of high intensity exercise, 3 times a week is supposed to help you lose weight and be in better health. Sounds waaaay too good to be true to me. I posted the link below. What do you guys think?…
Have you guys heard about the new nutrition labels due to come out? What do you guys think? Personally, I think its a great idea, making them reflect TRUE serving sizes. Who in their right mind would actually consider 1/2 a muffin a serving size?…
Mylast 2 pregnancies ended in miscarriage. I now find myself pregnant again. I feel really bad acting the way I do about, almost like its unwanted, but its the only way I know how to deal with the possibility that I might lose this one too. If I act like its a major inconvinience, then maybe it won't hurt so bad if/when it…
I've been on myfitnesspal for a few months now and have done pretty good with my diet. I'm pretty close to my target weight. Been feeling a little off lately though so I took a pregnancy test this morning and guess what...it turned out positive. I was sooo close to getting down to where I wanted to be(even almost had a…