How do you other working moms do it!?
I've recently started back working after being a SAHM for 3 years. Being new again mom at 37 was rough! Not only on my body but my mind. After struggling with PPD and anxiety I'm really trying to eat better and work out more often. As a SAHM I was constantly working in the yard or keeping up house while chasing my toddler…
Meal Prepping Sucks
And I'm only one week in 🤦♀️.... Hey all, back at this weight loss journey after a very long hiatus. The diet part isnt bothering so much as the planning and prepping... That's a lot of work! I plan & prep meals for both my husband and myself. I feel like all I think about is what can I cook, what fits our macros, what…
Fallen and can't get up...
I have fallen so far off the wagon I feel like I can't get back on it. I have gained back half of the weight I lost and I know it was just poor lifestyle choices but now I feel like I just can't... I feel like my job is a huge negative impact on my diet and exercise. I have a desk job and on top of not moving for 8 hours…
So, I just joined a gym....
And I'm kinda terrified. I reeeaaaallly want to get into a good routine but I'm so dang shy and I hate it!! They don't have any trainers or anything so I'm just kinda goin on my own. They have a "smart start" program where they weigh and measure you and give you tips on how to get where you want to be, so that will be…
Logging 30 DS
How do I log it under exercise?
Clubbing solo...
So all of my girlfriends are married with kids or just don't like going out to clubs at all. I just recently got out of a long terrible relationship and just wanna go out and have fun. I'm not ashamed to admit I am the party girl. What's your opinion on girls that go out alone (especially to clubs) and any advice on going…
What will you be for Halloween?
I'm going to be a boxer. Anyone else dressing up? Sorry if this is a duplicate post. I'm bored at work lol
Who or what inspired you to get into shape?
I want to be able to date guys that look like this... [img]And to be healthy of course :wink:[/img]
Then and Now
Attempting to post a before and after. Well not after cause I'm not done lol. First attempt at posting a pic so here goes nothin
I wanna run!
I have been wanting to try the couch to 5k thing I keep seeing.. But I have terrible knee's. They make a horrible grinding sound when I get up from a squatted position and are painful. Not unbearable pain but noticable. I've tried different joint supplements but havent seen any improvement.. I was wondering, do you think…
My knee's hate me....
Anybody taking any joint suppliments? I want to be a runner buy my knee's just wont allow it.
I suck at working out.......
When my ex and I were together I would go to the gym with him and be PUMPED!! Work out for 2 hours and it was awesome. Now I'm trying to hit the gym alone and it sucks!!! I dont give 100% and I know it but I just cant get myself in gear without someone motivating me. I wish I could afford a trainer but alas I'm broke. He…
Sites that plan meals and provide grocery lists?
I've seen a couple sites but I'm not looking for some gourmet meals just some simple HEALTHY meals to help me learn to eat healthier. I'm single and don't really need to cook huge meals. I've been buying the frozen meals but dont like all the extra crap thats in them. HELP!! Please :o )
Pre and Post workout powder for women....
Do they exsist? Are they healthy? My ex was taking a pre-work out powder for energy and to help him push harder. Does this exist for women.. I've googled my lil heart but come up empty handed. He also took protein after his workout, but after looking further into all of these I found that they stimulate testosterone. I'm…
Know any good work out DVD's?
I recently moved so I no longer have gym access, which sucks! I am still trying to do my walking in the park but need some good workout video's that utilize body weight to build muscle as well as some good cardio. I want to eventually get some weights to have at home but am a lil strapped for cash since the move. Any…
Emotional Eating.....
After recently going through a tough breakup, I find my comfort in food, or alcohol depending on the day lol.... Any suggestions on how to curb the emotion eating habit? Its terrible. Had a rough day today so I decided a snickers bar and snack bag of flammin cheetos would make me feel better.... well now Im just mad at…
Starting over. Can't seem to keep my motivation.
So I've been trying to get in shape for, oh, about 5 years.... lol With no progress. Between bad relationships and a terrible diet I just can't seem to change my habbits. So now that I have dropped the bad relationships I'm trying to work on the diet. I was doing good with my excercise routine but now I've just lost all…