How do you other working moms do it!?

I've recently started back working after being a SAHM for 3 years. Being new again mom at 37 was rough! Not only on my body but my mind. After struggling with PPD and anxiety I'm really trying to eat better and work out more often. As a SAHM I was constantly working in the yard or keeping up house while chasing my toddler and after some diet changes I managed to lose 30lbs. Well flash forward to 40 and the scale (or my waistline) won't budge, and now that I'm working full-time I just can't seem to find time to still spend time with my little one, make sure dinner is cooked and workout while getting enough sleep to do it all over again. I have pretty bad arthritis and some mild discomfort degeneration so my workout options can be a little limited but I know losing weight will help with that as well. How do you moms do it!!??


  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I work full time (recently back in person) and have an almost 2 yr old. I struggle with fitting in workouts like I want too due to schedules (an hour commute after work/picking up from daycare), spending time with my son and BF, getting dinner etc as well. I'd love to get back to running (I do have a jogging stroller), but for the most part we try to go on family walks after dinner if its not too late.

    I'm not a morning person and already get up at 530 to get ready for work...but maybe thats something that can work for you-getting up earlier in the morning and working out? I do have beach body subscription but don't find myself using it as often as I would like.

    Just need to find something that you are able to do and make time for it...
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,051 Member
    Two nights per week before bed. Focusing more on strength than cardio. Staying in calorie deficit.
  • sarahbetherck
    sarahbetherck Posts: 270 Member
    I've learned that when I absolutely don't have the time/energy to both prepare healthy meals and workout, I worry less about the workouts and more about the nutrition. Make good food, stay in a calorie deficit and you'll get there with everything else. It's hard, give yourself time and grace.
  • elizabethherberger
    Meal prep for the whole week on the weekends, that way all you’re doing in the evenings is warming it up. We go on a 30 minute family walk or bike ride in the evenings after dinner (we have a trailer for the bike that our son rides in while we bike). And on the weekends we usually do a hike or two. We have a hiking backpack to carry our son in on longer hikes. He is 4 years old now and can do 3 miles on his own since we have raised him as a hiker so he is usually in and out of the backpack when we do 6 mile hikes. Hope you can find a balance that works for you!
  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,477 Member
    I work 12-hour rotating shifts & have an elementary-age kiddo.
    I train before work because I know that after working a shift I am going to be tired, grumpy, and really not feel like going to the gym and I don't want to put myself in the position where I have a bunch of excuses to skip it. So, I train pretty much 1st thing after I roll out of bed so it's done & my day is off to a good start.
    I also meal prep 1 or 2 days/week on my days off so I have quality food ready to go & can just throw a couple in my cooler before I walk out the door.
  • forestfreek
    forestfreek Posts: 5,770 Member
    I work full time, plus overtime and am a single mother (though I do share custody with his dad).
    You definitely have to prioritize and make yourself top of the list. I schedule walks, runs etc into my day planner just as if they were any other appointment.
    And taking one of evening to do lots of healthy meal preps for the week helps as well 💕
  • JoDavo66
    JoDavo66 Posts: 526 Member
    I had my children at 36/37 and 39(5 weeks before my 40th). I was working full time as Head of Department Science Teacher in a Secondary (11-16 years) school. I was exhausted & had no clue, no time at all.
    I downshifted & then moved to another school & went part time- I have 1 day off time off over 2 days & the difference is incredible.
    Plan meals for the week & have organised shopping list.
    I don't tend to meal prep & freeze but I do look at what's going on that day so I can make something suitable- like slow cooker if needed.
    Prep school lunches night before while dinner cooking. On my 2 afternoons I go to gym (I can't go in evening as hubbie works into evenings- I'm kids taxi service, I have school prep & am simply exhausted).
  • AmandaABW
    AmandaABW Posts: 9 Member
    If you have a partner/co-parent, talk to them about what you need. A couple months ago I couldn’t fathom leaving my husband to do the morning routine alone (our kids are 4 and 2 and in daycare full time), and now I workout 1-2 mornings per week while he does the morning alone. I work from home, so I’m also able to fit in a lunchtime workout at least once a week. I also try to make my time with the kids as active as possible...hiking, biking, walks around the neighborhood, etc. I got my heart rate up for a while playing “tag” in a field last weekend!

    As someone else said, meal prep is key! It gives so much more time.