Bipolar Problems-medicated
Anyone notice problems with motivation when getting into a routine. I have mental issues (bipolar II) fully medicated. However it can my me blood boil when I go in and see a guy curling in the squat rack, then leaving his bar just there while he move and took over three sets of barbells and three benches. I felt like a…
So, I've ended up with some fennel. Two of them (bulbs? heads? don't really know what to call them). And I have no clue what to do with them. I would love suggestions other than soup (my husband hates soups when it gets hot out, and I can't really say I blame him).
Would you say anything? (Military folks input especially)
I will say it straight out: I have a strong sense of loyalty and a very short temper. So, with that in mind, I'm beyond irked. To the point that if I had access to these individuals, I would probably do my best to ensure they would never have children. My husband is a former Marine. He served for six years (2003-2009) with…
Sizing for bras- anyone do it this way?
Okay, so it's pretty common knowledge that it's hard to get sized properly for a bra. I just read a tutorial and watched a video tutorial (youtube it, Bra Fitting 101). Short version: Measure your band around the root of the breast to the closest even number (so, a 35 would be a 36 band size), and then to measure bust,…
Help for my mom!
Okay, my mom is obese, borderlining on the morbid side. She is fully aware of her weight problem and has been trying to control it for a good amount of her life. She's only ever been a healthy weight when she was eating "nothing but rabbit food" all day every day. Of course, she felt like crap still. That was 20 years ago.…
Favorite weights?
My family is moving into a new house at the end of the month. With that, we'll have the room to have our own little exercise room, and we really want to get some free weights. I'm looking for what everyone has for a favorite- weights, benches, bars, barbells, etc, I want it all! What do you like, what has the best…
Almond milk?
What are the benefits of almond milk vs. skim milk. I was looking at the labels, and I just don't get why people are so crazy over almond milk. It's got more fat, more sodium, less protein, less potassium... There are only two things it's better on: calcium and cholesterol (I believe). So why are people so nuts (pun not…
Allergy sufferers & working out
I feel like my face is going to explode. I'm pretty much allergic to every plant and mold out there, and the mold has been going crazy these past couple of days, so despite two prescription meds, I'm still a mouth breather, my face is throbbing and I can't stop sneezing. Does anyone else have issues like this? How do you…
Proud of cheating??? (More of a rant than anything)
Not cheating in the "cheating on your significant other" kind of cheating. Cheating as in competitions. I have a couple of friends who coach MMA, including Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. They have a younger girl (15) that has been training for four months and entered the Big Sky State Games in the beginner category- for people less…
Beat the heat?
How do you get a workout in when it's so freaking hot outside? I'm in a third floor apartment with one really crappy wall AC unit and when I went out this morning at 8am, it was already 75F. I try to get a walk in early in the morning, but even now the early mornings aren't going under 70F. After that, I've got no…
Anti-inflamatories after workout?
I have always had problems with tendonitis in my Achilles. I started doing 30DS, and it's definitely making me feel it in my Achilles from the lunges. I also know that muscle becomes inflamed as part of the breaking down process when you're working out. So, would it be bad to take anti-inflammatory meds right after the…
So tired...
Man, I'm so tired! All the time. I hit about 6pm (you know, right around the time I actually sit down) and I just feel like I'm done. Half the time, I space out, and almost fall asleep with my plate in front of me. It sucks because I have great "sleep hygiene". I'm just tired of being tired as soon as I sit down in the…
The numbers are daunting...
I hate numbers. I've never been a fan of math, and I dislike numbers in weight loss even more than I hated trig. How do you not get hung up on the numbers? I can see small things that are motivating, but at the same time, not seeing the needle move is frustrating. Today, i got up and I hadn't lost even a tenth of a pound…
Working out in a small space?
I live in a very small apartment, so I don't have a lot of space to spare. I've got two small kids which makes the space more confined. I can't afford a gym membership, and it's hot as hell out side. So, people who are in a similar situation, what do you do for exercises (especially strength training) in a small place?