Why diets don't work
Because we seldom have the discipline to do them all our lives. However we have to keep trying!!!
Tips on Permanent Weight Release
I just did these two videos to share what I have learned in my weight loss/release journey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1YQxCHeGYw&feature=plcp
Turbo fire
I look forward to hearing from you all. I am doing turbo fire and have been for 6 weeks. My problem now is that I have hurt my right shoulder and I try to do some exercises especially the toning without the elastic band cause it hurts too much..if you have any ideas on how I can protect my shoulder and keep doing turbo I…
Flat stomach
Need advise on what to eat and what exercise to do to get a flat stomach also what foods to avoid it feels like no matter what I do it has not worked well yet