slipping up
I find myself now a month in that even though I am under my calories (99% of the time) I am choosing unwisely. I see at the end of the day oh extra calories, go have a cookie. I am choosing to have junky carbs (Lipton creamy chicken noodles) rather than something better like a baked potato. GAHHHH I am sliping back into my…
Count the Marinade?
As grilling season is officially starting this weekend, I want to know if/how you count the marinade that use on your meat. Obviously not all of it stays on the meat, but there is a bit of sodium that needs to be counted. Thanks
Not sure I fit here....
Hey Peeps! After a month and 10 lbs down (1200 cal) I read about this group. I do cardio for 30-45 min 5/6 days aweek. I do no strength training yet. I am looking to lose only about 30 lbs (or drop a size or 2) I upped the caloried to 1400 this week and gained 1.5 lbs..lol Since I do not do serious workouts do I really…
strength training Questions
I am 30 days in and have been doing 30-45 min cardio workouts 5-6 days a week. Nothing crazy. From my reading, strength training is the next step. However I have no gym nor do I really understand what all is included in strength training. Do I need weights? Or are there certain types of excercises without weights that are…
Hubby's support
I just have to be thankful that I have my husbands full support for this journey. Just yesterday he squeezed the tush and said, Nice! He said why wouldn't I support you? This is Win/Win for me, You get skinny and I get to enjoy it. :blushing: I love this guy!
Ruby Tuesday
Hey I just wanted to share for anyone that might be going out this weekend. I got this link sent to me in email that lists all of their fit and trim and other good for you choices. http://www.rubytuesday.com/assets/menu/pdf/informational/nutrition.pdf
Negative Co worker
I just had to share. This morning as me and my only other coworker were talking about weight loss (she is naturally skinny) I said that my pants are fitting weird because my legs are toning I just wish it would come off around my waist more. And she said "Oh you don't really think that your going to lose any of your…
Can't stop thinking about certain foods
I have been doing really well mentally not obsessing about food the past 3 weeks. If I want some candy I work it in my calories if that means that I must work out longer to do it. Now all of a sudden I can't stop thinking about making some cookie dough to eat. I wouldn't mind making some but then I know that its in the…
Speghetti portion help?
Ok has anyone tried to figure out how much 2 oz dry is when it is cooked??? I have looked all sorts of places but no website can seem to tell me. I make a pot for the whole family so I am trying to figure out how much to portion myself. I guess tonight I just might have to make 2 seperate pots so I can finally have an…
body fat % calculator confusion
I went to http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/ to find out my body fat. I did both the military one and the Covert Bailey . Wow The difference in the 2 results. Not sure which one to believe. The military one said that I was at 43.7 and the other at 31.5. OK so does anyone know which to go by???
Greek Yogurt question?
OK I have tried Dannon Vanilla and today I tried Stonyfield Vanilla. OK Stonyfield was horrible, I checked the date because it tasted spoiled, but it had 3 weeks left. Just gross. Is there another brand that people find good? I like just the Vanilla flavor. Thanks
cheesecake ad
Ok does anyone else have this problem?? I keep seeing an ad for the cheesecake factory here! Not really the "motivation and support" I was looking for. I was honestly thinking that I could order one and have it sent directly to my house and no one would have to know. The only thing stopping me was the cost..LOL YIKES!!!!
Finishing the kids' plate
Last night after having my dinner, I realized that "normally" I would finish off whatever my daughter (4yrs) didn't on her plate. I hate wasting food and for her not to clean her plate, was a waste to me. For the first time, I made a point to NOT eat her leftovers. I wonder how many other parents do that not realilzing how…
serving size of ground beef
I know a serving is 3 oz but when trying to figure out how much to put on my taco and it says 1/4 cup...Is it better just to scoop and weigh? Trying to figure a short cut so not dirtying up tons of things. Because 1/4 dry and 1/4 wet are two different things. I don't want to cheat on my calorie count.
Running store??
I have been reading a lot of posts about going to a running store to get fitted. I don't know what you mean. I have never seen a "running store" I see foot locker, and such but I don't think they fit your foot. How does a person find an actual store that would do all of that?