New Runner and first time Marathoner
So, I agreed to do a marathon with my partner next year and I am not the best runner. I'm honestly not sure where to begin and how to start training for this. Any nutrition and exercise help would be great!
First Time Marathon Runner
So, I agreed to do a marathon with my partner next year and I am not the best runner. I'm honestly not sure where to begin and how to start training for this. Any nutrition and exercise help would be great!
Favorite Restaurant Substitutions
I am what you would call a social butterfly. I love to go out with friends and family but sometimes that can be my downfall when it comes to healthy eating! What are some of your favorite Restaurant substitutions? What Techniques do you use to keep from over indulging? and are there any certain foods that you absolutely…
21 day Sugar Detox?
starting a sugar detox on Monday and was wondering if anyone had recommendations for recipes? Thanks! -Aubrey