The whole "eat your exercise calories" subject has been bugging me for way too long. Let me use myself as a simple example, based on MFP calculations. Let's say that I am a very active person who exercises 5 times a week for over an hour (I wish, but let's say). I also walk to work every day 2X1 hour. I do my MFP analysis…
And the metabolism subject has been bugging me here for way too long, too. People today seem to be obsessed crazy about metabolism ... "oh mine is too slow", "oh she is lucky, hers is fast". There is no scientific evidence whatsoever that would confirm the existence of starvation mode or that one person's metabolism can…
Finally some cinemas, like cineworld, started publicising the nutritional info on their cinema food. IT is staggering, what is in that large popocorn! Vue cinemas - 1900 calories in one large salty. 1900 calories, more than a large margarita pizza! More than three full blown chocolate cakes! So there were days a few years…