I've just had breakfast which consisted of : *1/2 a cup of mushrooms *1/2 a cup of cucumber *2 10" stick of celery All together this equals 0g of fat. Is this ok of will it put my body into starvation mode ? If it will I will have a yougurt with 2g of fat, is that enough ? Thanks !
I am so interested with how many calories I burn every day and I want one of those watches that tell you how many calories you have burnt and your heart rate. Is it worth getting one ? There is one on ebay for £5.49, is it worth it ? Also does it count the calories you burn while sleeping, sitting still and the calories…
Hey. I've decided I am going to go for a half an hour run / walk every morning now that I am on study leave. But my question is should I have my breakfast before running or after in order to burn the most calories > Thanks in advance ! Also wanna know if anyone wants to do the challenge with me.. Either 30 minute run/jog…
Hey ! I'm new here but it looks like a really great place. I've never found a website like this before ! To so some stuff about me. Name - Bella (nickname) Age - 18 Weight - 127 Goal Weight - 110 Height - 5ft 4in Occupation - Full time student studying Chemistry, Human Biology and English. So that's me ! :heart: