The ladies at work are chatting about coffee creamer. One is saying Fat Free is "better" for you than Sugar Free and the other is saying the opposite. If you're not on a specifically sugar restrictive diet - would one be inherently better for you than the other?
My manager just came back from lunch saying that she's starting a major detox tomorrow and wants one (or more) of us to join her in "getting rid of the toxins" in our bodies so we can lose weight easier together. Whenever I hear the word "toxins" I generally smile and nod and think to myself "ZOMG TOXINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"…
So, yesterday, I posted that my quads were crazy sore from doing squats. I went home, walked the dog around for about a mile and then took an epsom salt bath. I was feeling good, but still sore, so I went for the icy hot roll on that my husband had bought (but not yet used). I rolled it around on my quads liberally, but…
How do you go about relieving the pain? I did squats yesterday in the squat rack (just a bar, no extra weight) and I'm wearing heels today...I'm walking funny and getting out of my chair/car is miserable! I probably should have eased back into my lifting, but whatever, what's done is done. Best way to feel better so I can…
I went to the gym this morning - first time working out in about a month. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and then did some squats in the squat rack with a bare bar and two or three different weight sets on machines as well. I stopped because I had to get in the shower to go to work - not because I couldn't do any more…