I have been taking fish oil supplements for about 2 years. I have not noted any real benefit but continued to take them anyway. I am going to stop taking them. I saw a news blurb the other day that said it may be linked to aggressive prostate cancer. I was just able to look it up. This study published in May 2013. Journal…
So at what point in weight loss do you decide to start buying new clothes to fit? I started with just a smaller belt since my pants were sliding down more and that has lasted a few months. I bought some jeans last week but only one pair. I was looking at my cargo pants today that have a fold in them under the belt and…
My elliptical machine has two calorie settings in the display, one is fat calories and the other says burned calories. I am unsure of which would be closer to my actual calories burned. I want to be sure I am recording the correct amount of calories in my daily diary. Any thoughts on which number is more accurate?