So I came across a quote today - "A year from now, you will wish you started today" It seemed rather fitting as a year ago I did start, and I kept it up until life got in the way. So I'm back starting again again. I managed to keep 10lbs of my original loss off so not from scratch but I still have a long way to go. Around…
So I am very much an emotional eater. Last year I lost around 20lbs and then when I moved house I got stressed and "Comforted" myself right back to where I started. Boo! So I restarted at the beginning of January and am nearly back to where I was last year. I'm doing a wider range of exercise though so I feel like I look…
So I turn 30 this year (July) and it will have been half my life that I have struggled with my weight. I DO NOT want to enter another decade letting my extra weight hold me back so I need to get my butt moving this year and kick this thing into my past for good. I finally feel like I have all the knowledge I need to lose…