Im Liz, 41 years old, highest weight was 23 stone, lowest 13, now at 17.7 and very unimpressed with myself! Im trying to low carb but find it all very confusing! I cant seem to get the balance right a…
OK, this is really as yucky as it sounds and for that I'm sorry but I really need help! I go days without going to the loo and really suffer with abdominal pain, then when I finally go its like explos…
hi all, im looking to change from my normal Light Soy Sauce to something with a lot less salt/sodium but with the same flaour. I know you can get low salt soy sauce but have never seen the light soy s…
hi im wondering if im eating enough calories to lose weight? ive 1,234 remaining calories and 417 cals from exercise........does this make sense to anyone?? im eating loads! thanks liz this is what im…