Fat people in the gym
I do not look at you to look down on you or because I think you have nothing to do there. I look at you in admiration! remember that I know how hard it is to get started(been there myself), and how easy it is to quit. But remember this is a lifetime commitment, not a quick fix. And most of the people at the gym are more…
The extra cals after a workout
What do people here do when it comes to xtra calories from training?? Do you add those to the daily consumption, or do you ignore them and stay on track with the main macros only. And of course, why do u do what u do?
Norske venner
Hei, er nå ferdig med sommeren og nye mål skal settes. Så jeg trenger flere norske venner her på MFP, add ivei T
heisann, har akkurat begynt på denne dietten og lurer på om det er noen her som har erfaring med den? Skal prøve å holde ut 6uker, så bare 41 1/2 dag igjen :) dag 1 vekt 101,3kg 14,2 fett% 54,1 vann 46,6 muskelmasse (har gått opp litt i påsken gitt)
need online training friends
Hiya, Norway calling! I need many (my) fitness pals, so please add me... I train about 5 times a week, and need people to share diets, training advises and give support especially when on heavy seasonal diets. :) You don't need to be a total gym rat though :)