I have lost 7lbs so far but it seems now my body is at a stand still havent lost anything for awhile now and wondering what I can do to boost it back to where it is losing again?
Is this safe? I have high BP and also had pancreatitis once I would ask a dr but in the process of switching to a new one.
I was wondering if there are anything out there I can take that could help me lose weight along with eating right since I dont get much exercise due to knee injuries? My problem is I have High Blood Pressure so a lot says I can not take them but maybe someone has suggestions?
I sleep late work at nights so i dont wake up until 12pm mostly and if i stop eating at 7 or 8 i get hungry around 10 or 11 at night sometimes later cause I dont go to sleep until 2 or 3 am...Any suggestions on what I can do to help this?
Hi I'm new to this site =) my mother showed me this site and thought heck I have tried so many other things why not give this a shot as well.. I would love to meet and make new friends on here that I can share my progress and also see others progress im 32 Married for 4 yrs now and been struggling with my weight all my…