lad80 Member


  • Hello! I'm jumping on the wagon again after having my daughter before I got pregnant I lost 40 pounds now I'm out to lose 50 pounds... And need people to keep me motivated for it seems harder thus time.
  • also has anyone ever tried the Apple cider vinegar?
  • Well im 32 5*6 weigh 203 now was at 211 when started I have PCOS and really bad knees had two surgeries and need them again.. I do eat a lot of to much fast food now and I know that needs to end the fast add is cereal its a oat cereal that is not listed to I do quick add that when I eat it... Someone told me that I should…
  • what about if u take the pill not the drink?
  • Thank you guys all very all ur comments and suggestions have helped me... I know I can walk to help me lose it thats a + but my dr told me to stay away from treadmills, stairs, aerobics I have had 2 surgeries and need them on both of my knees again so my knees are pretty bad off right now. I can swim walk and do stationed…
  • Thank you guys very much I was really worried about eating that late so many people tell u not to eat after a certain time of the day..
  • I am 5*6 and just had two knee surgeries and need to under go it again.... I find it really hard to do cardio with such a restriction on me ..