So I saw this pic and want to know how to get a body like this? I look like the 'before' photo at the moment. Prefer no shakes, pills, magical fairy dust solutions please :)
Has anyone got a thermomix and have any healthy recipes they wouldn't mind sharing? thanks :)
Hi everyone, I lost about 30kg over 5 years ago but have recently put about 6kg back on. I'm trying to eat less and have just joined up with the gym, planning to do some cardio and some weights (machines/free weights/crossfit type stuff). I mostly just want to lose a few kg and replace it with muscle so I'm smaller…
Just wondering if there is anyone else out there with IBS who has/wants to go wheat or gluten free? I have IBS and most days have awful bloating and sometimes gas. I find its worst after eating too much bread/pasta/etc and was wondering if there was anyone else out there the same. I have decided to reduce the amount of…
Hi everyone! I'm looking to lose the last few kilo's (aussie here!) and be a bit less flabby. I lost a lot of weight a few years ago, and managed to keep most of it off, until i went back to study and put on a few kg. Luckily not too much but i was eating very terribly while trying to write my thesis! I've lost almost 30kg…