If you are just doing about 10 minutes of free weights, just for the arms, how do you enter that? Do you have to enter for each different kind you do or can you just choose a generic option?
I've been trying to figure out for a long time exactly what it is that is making it so hard for me to lose any weight. Over the past year I've had more medical problems arise and I know I need to figure out what it going on and what I can do. I wish I could just run a scan like you do on your computer and figure out what…
What do you like to eat hummus with?
What foods/meals are the ones that seem to keep you going? It could be snacks, drinks, or meals. I want to make a list of them to always have something to fall back on when I'm faltering.
I'm only 32 and I want to feel 32. My 42 year old husband is in better shape than me and I want to feel like I'm my age again. I also want to prove to myself that I can in fact do this, that I can get healthy on my own. On top of all that I'm trying to start a career as a photographer and I know it will improve things so…