This is a "pat yourself on the back" topic! :happy: Someone brought 2 boxes of fresh muffins from the bakery to work today... All different kinds... (including a chocolate chip one my friend was putting in my face! lol). They looked sooo yummy! In the past I've had at LEAST one. But I resisted! And THEN, to top it off,…
The Before pic was taken last year some time. I honestly don't even know how much I weighed at the time. I avoided the scale for wayyy too long. But my weight loss journey started in May. I'll be honest... Though I hate to say it, I was at 255 :embarassed: Probably about what I was in the before pic. I've been avoiding…
I'm jealous of people who have no extra chin fat :grumble: Lol even if they have a lot of extra weight, they still at least keep their pretty face! I just gotta share that lol. My face gets fatter and fatter, i HATE taking pictures. Gotta take em from that "special" angle... you know the one I'm talkin bout, put the camera…