Right, so I did some searches but the search didn't find anything for 'bendy bar' or 'bendy barbell'. I am used to using straight barbells at the gym for chest press, bicep curl, row, squats, lunges etc however my current gym only has the barbells with the bend in the bar. What are these actually for? Can they be used as a…
a pair of Jimmy Choos within the next year. I am so excited. I don't know why I feel the need to tell people this, maybe because it's the first high end thing I've ever bought (apart from makeup).
Did a search - no dice so I think I'm in the clear for posting this. Coffee doesn't wake you up - that early morning cup just reverses the effect of overnight withdrawal - according to a study. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1283421/Coffee-does-NOT-wake-Its-mind.html eer yeh should probably say I'm really anti…
I LOVE vegemite on bread with a tiny bit of margarine. I LOVE IT. WHY DON'T I EAT THIS AAAALLLLL THE TIME!!! If only I didn't keep bread to a minimum. So how do I eat vegemite without having to have bread but still have the same kind of awesome texture of bread. Any ideas? I thought about mixing 1/4 margarine with 3/4…
I've noticed a few posts lately by people who are worried because they've put on a pound or two. I live in Australia and here we measure in kilograms and it got me thinking about the difference in mindset between the two weight watching groups, those who measure in pounds and those who measure in kilograms. If you've put…