I work full time and study and am trying to figure out how much more I can take on (volunteering and internships). Tell me how busy your life is and how you make it work!
I've just moved back to Aus and would like some friends who log consistently to get ideas from. I'd like to get some fellow Australians on my list so that I can see some familiar diary entries :)
Does anyone know how to get rough nutritional values (or at least calories) for the type of sushi rolls sold at Australian takeaway places? There are a lot of very different sushi entries in the database! Thanks.
I always live couscous when I have it so would like to try cooking with it. What should I have it with?
I've only ever run 5k races (although I have done 6 or 7k a few times on the treadmill) but would like to work my way up to 10k. The next event I can enter is on March 24 but the one after that wont be until September/October and I don't really want to wait that long. I will be moving overseas at the start of February so…
I'm looking at getting a Fitbit One and would like to know if the step count is accurate when clipped in to a bra; how does it compare to keeping it at waist level? Thanks
Which do you prefer for tracking runs and why?
I received a whole heap of beetroots in a mixed veg box and have roasted about 5 of them and am about to try pickling one. I have six left.. so what should I do with them? What do they go well with? How else can you cook them? Thanks