I feel this is a very important subject. The media and supplement companies all push the cheesy bodybuilder look nowadays. I do not like it haha. You see i am a firm believer that fitness should enhance your life and not consume it. I also strive to build a lean strong and powerful physique. A body like that can still…
Please please do not get mad at me for the title! What i am trying to say is, most personal trainers in person or online do not know what they are talking about. FACT: high reps do not "tone" a muscle, high reps can cause more blood flow which leads to growth and a more vascular muscle. To have a toned muscle is determined…
I believe that your workout will determine how much muscle you will build and you can eat your way to more or less body fat. CRAZY right!?! or not.......To make this really simple guys..... you need to set up your workouts to build strength and eat in a calorie deficit.....THATS ALL! you will build lean muscle and shred…