Success stories on the 30 day shred?
I'm in the middle of it, started level 2 on day 5. But I want to know if it really works! Has anybody had any luck with it? :)
To everybody who has actually lost weight, HELP.
I'm fine with making myself meals at home. I always buy ingredients to cook healthy, but my parents constantly go out to eat. I want to go with them, but I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF AT A RESTAURANT! I see all of the delicious things on the menu and I eat up dropping my diet and cheating every time. How did you sacrifice all of…
I lose motivation too fast..
Every time I decide to start working out, I always end up stopping because I don't see results fast enough. And my main problem is that I barely eat. I can't eat that much food and maybe that's why I don't see the results I'm looking for. I'm not overweight but I want to get fit and toned. I will workout for months and…
No friends..
I know I'm a loser.. I've even had my account for awhile, just getting used to it I guess. I wish I had some friends!
I can't eat that many calories!
I'm not skinny by all means, probably because the way I eat is terrible. Sometimes I eat a lot, and other times I don't eat anything at all. Everybody says not to put your body into starvation mode because then you can't lose weight. I've been trying my hardest, I've started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, and everything…
Should I exercise more?
I've been doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, and so far everything is good but once I'm done I feel like I should be doing more. I'm super sore, but exercising once a day isn't exactly normal for me. I just don't want to over-do it and lose motivation if I decide to workout more than the program says to. I used to work…