HI All, I can see this group is NOT active, lol....but I wanted to say Hi. I'm happy to know there are people I can identify with :) Happy weightloss for all!!!
workout tracking?
I've been tracking my workouts everyday thanks to a buddy I met on MFP. The question I have is, do you track every min you do "exercise" you do, OR your planned workouts only? I went to the gym this morning and took a spinning class ( that was my planned workout for today) After I picked my daughter up from school, as a…
I ran into the woman who, due to my strong infatuation, helped me realize my love for women, today. She is still as beautiful as the most precious day.....wow ;} Do any of you remember the woman/man who made your orientation obvious?
Tonight is one of those nights when I feel I cant do it! Emotionally, I want to eat to ease some pain but mentally, I know better... so Im constantly conflicted..... it wish i could have a virtual hug, a shot of 'its ok", and some sweaty comforting exercise... sigh sad
Weight loss
I saw this posted on another forum and I wanted to say it here.....since I am no longer interested in dancing around my lifestyle on public forums!! A guy on the LGBT forum posted that he was losing weight mainly because he wanted to find someone. I totally related to his line of thinking. Sure, as someone studying health,…
Challenges Anyone?
Has anyone found any challenges from being out and attending a public gym? Any experiences in the locker room at a gym? I personally have not however one time, i did have a minor issue with lanuage at a previous gym. I guess people thought it was OK to gay bash in the gym....eh NO!!!
Is It Me?
Or is EVERY queer group I join LACKING in activity...AKA ghost town with plentiful tumbleweed! Is everyone PMing? I start a discussion in my next post, but by gosh.....liven up people!!! Introductions are great....now that you've introduced yourself....MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME!!! geez!!! I thought we are out, loud,…
I am starting to get a little depressed with what's going on lately. I am a full time honor's college student, in my 30's, who's married, has one child, and works part-time on the weekends. I am tired. Today, After my first class, I slept in my car for almost 2 hours because I was exhausted. I just turned in an eight-page…