Hey everyone! Just thought I would share... I started MPF in the spring to help get my eating under control. I continued through the summer and started to feel a little better although I had only lost a few pounds. I started to get stressed writing my thesis and slowly stopped logging and tracking my food. Over the last…
Hey Everyone! Today I feel like sh**t.. not gonna lie. After returning from a crazy girls weekend full of tons of fatty food and alcohol I feel totally defeated. Here I sit, unmotivated, four pounds heavier, and one week into a three week break from college and work. It seems I would be taking advantage of my time off my…
I just feel the need to reach out. I'm a 22 year old female who is sooo sick of being overweight. I've been on diets since I was 10, weight watchers, jen c, southbeach, atkins, nothing but grape fruit and water... you name it. I realized that It's not what you eat for a week on a crazy diet that determines how much you…